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Todd Lab Herpetolgy and Wildlife Conservation

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Sidney in the field.

About Sidney

Sidney graduated from the University of Georgia, earning a BS in Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences and another BS in Forestry. During her undergraduate career, she worked as a research technician in a loggerhead sea turtle genetic-fingerprinting lab, running DNA extractions on eggshells from nesting sea turtles. Additionally, she became involved with Eastern spotted skunk research as a senior thesis, looking at population persistence and modeling habitat suitability. As a senior, she completed a Mosaics in Science internship program at Yosemite National Park as a herpetological conservation intern, working with the Aquatics Restoration team.

Since 2017, she has worked as a National Park Service wildlife ranger, assisting with restoration projects for the Western pond turtle, California red-legged frog, and Sierra Nevada yellow-legged frog. Through her dissertation research at UC Davis, she will continue to collaborate with the Yosemite National Park wildlife rangers on research topics surrounding the ecology and conservation of Western pond turtles. She is broadly interested in population effects from the removal of invasive American bullfrogs, wildfire effects on the turtle species, and how these local patterns can inform future conservation decisions and actions.