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About Lee
Lee (they/them/theirs) graduated from UC Davis in 2022 with a BS in Wildlife, Fish, and Conservation Biology and a minor in Paleobiology. During their undergraduate career, Lee worked in the Otolith, Geochemistry, and Fish Ecology Lab (OGFL) at UC Davis analyzing life history of Delta Smelt and Longfin Smelt in the San Francisco Bay-Delta Estuary. Additionally, they worked with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife to develop an undergraduate honor’s thesis on the age, growth, and origin of kokanee salmon in California lakes. After graduating, Lee became a junior specialist in the OGFL, continuing to work on lab-based otolith analyses and field-based fish community surveys.
Lee’s broad interests include herpetology, wildlife ecology, reconciliation ecology, conservation biology, and wildlife management. In particular, Lee is interested in the life history and management of reptiles in California.